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Student Transfer

Open Enrollment - Pasadena ISD is currently accepting student transfer applications for the 2024-2025 & 2025-2026 school year.

Types of Transfers

  • In-District Transfers – transfers for students who live within the Pasadena ISD boundaries and would like to attend a different school than the school to which their home is zoned.
  • Out-of-District Transfers – transfers for students who live outside of the Pasadena ISD school boundaries and would like to attend a Pasadena school. This type of transfer requires the student’s prior year educational documents be submitted with the application. (See below for details.)

Transfer Approval Process

  • Applications will begin the approval process once all required documentation is received.
  • Applications are contingent upon availability of campus and/or program space, and the student’s educational history. Therefore, they are not automatically approved.
    • In-district transfers require the approval of both the home principal and the requested school principal.
    • Out-of-district transfers require the approval of the requested school principal.

How to Submit a Transfer Application
Transfer applications must be submitted via the ScribChoice software.
The process is simple.

In-District Transfers

  1. Create a ScribChoice Family Account
  2. Add your student(s) to your family account
  3. Complete the transfer application for your student(s)

Out-of-District Transfers

  1. Gather your student’s required documents
  2. Create a ScribChoice Family Account
  3. Add your student(s) to your family account
  4. Complete the transfer application for your student(s)
  5. Upload the required documents

Instructions for Submitting a Transfer Application on ScribChoice  (both English and Spanish)

If you need assistance submitting a transfer application, contact the Attendance Clerk at the requested transfer school or Student Services.

Documentation Required for Out-of-District Transfers
! Out-of-district transfer applications will not be processed until all required documentation is submitted.
If you are having problems submitting your documentation, bring your documents to Student Services located in the Pasadena ISD Administration Building located at 3920 Mickey Gilley Blvd. | Pasadena, TX 77505

If applying for a transfer mid-year, your student must remain enrolled at their current school until the transfer application is approved. Early withdrawal could result in your child’s application being denied.

Renewal Transfer Applications 
One current proof of residence

New Transfer Applications
Parent Photo Identification
Two Current Proofs of Residence
Education Records (see requirements below)

  • Attendance
  • Grades
  • Discipline*
  • ARD/504 Document, if applicable

*No Discipline to Report? You must submit a signed statement printed on school letterhead and signed by a school official that states there was no discipline.