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Summer Programs


Multilingual Summer Programs


The Multilingual Department hosts summer programs for Emergent bilingual students during the summer.  Information about these programs will be sent home with eligible students as soon as it is available. 


Pre-Kinder & Kindergarten 

The district will offer the required Preschool Summer Program for emerging bilingual students who will be in kindergarten or first grade in the Fall 2025.  This program will fulfill the 120 hours of instruction required, but the schedule has not yet been determined. Please be on the lookout for more detailed information as we solidify the plans. 


Middle & Intermediate School

PISDs Summer ELD Academy serves emergent bilingual students in 5th-8th grade that have been enrolled in U.S. schools for two years or less. The academy focuses on enriching English literacy and oracy skills through fun lessons and engaging activities. Our English development sessions are based on conversational activities, such as vlogs, interactive conversations, games and academics. Students have the opportunity to see their friends and make new ones! This course is provided at no cost to the student and includes breakfast and lunch.


High School 


ESOL Summer Academy

The Summer ESOL Academy is an opportunity for newcomer students to receive initial credit for ESOL IA and for ELDA IA fall semester.  The academy will also provide credit recovery opportunities for current newcomer students.


The Summer ESOL Academy has a two goals: 

1) Help newcomer students stay on track with their graduation plan by completing needed ELAR credits

2) Continue newcomer students’ English language development


Tapia STEM Summer Camp


This is a one week residential experience hosted by Rice Tapia Center for Excellence & Equity. Students engage in a STEM project-based curriculum that promotes the development of teamwork and communication skills in BOTH their native language and English.