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Pasadena ISD Athletics Hall of Fame 2018

A black and white photo of Allen Brown, a Pasadena High School athlete, standing on a football field. Nikki Cockrell playing softball wearing a Texas jersey leaps to catch a ball. Black and white photo of Bobby Crenshaw, a football player from Pasadena High School in 1959, wearing a helmet and jersey with the number 77. Latoya Davis, wearing a Texas Tech jersey #41, jumps to shoot the ball during a game. A black and white photo of Bruce Dowdy, a football player for Pasadena High School in 1967, wearing jersey number 91. A black and white portrait of Harry Morgan, South Houston High School Football Coach, with a Hall of Fame logo. A black and white photo of Johnny Parker, a football player from Sam Rayburn High School in 1968, wearing jersey number 44. A black and white photo of Calvin Powlitzky, a football player from Pasadena High School in 1964. The 1957 Pasadena High School track team, state champions, pose for a photo.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

The 2018 Pasadena ISD Athletics Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony was held at the Pasadena Convention Center on March, .  Over 450 people were in attendence to witness the enshrinement of :

Special Guest Master of Ceremonies was .