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Projects by Campus

2014 School Bond Logo

Pasadena ISD 2014 Bond Election $175.55 Million - No Tax Increase


Projects By Campus  Facility Cost (In Millions) Program Explanation  Added Capacity 
Dobie Ninth Grade Campus  $32.7  This alternative builds a ninth grade campus off-site and allows the Early College High School and Odyssey to be housed in the main building. Removing the first-time freshman class would reduce the 2018-19 projected enrollment on the main campus to 3,100.   1000 
Rayburn (ECHS) (2400)  $7  On-Site; 20,000 sf. w/o cafeteria; 28,000 w/cafeteria  400 
South Houston (ECHS)  $7  On-Site; 20,000 sf. w/o cafeteria; 28,000 w/cafeteria  400 
Memorial (ECHS) (2650)  $4  This project becomes an on-site renovation for the creation of an ECHS program at Memorial. The welding bay would remain as an additional location for CTHS welding expansion. 400 
CTHS Expansion (1850)  $3.75  The current Career and Technical High School facility has been master planned for a 200-student addition on the south side. Based on the level of student interest, the addition is needed sooner rather than later.   200 
*Elementary #36  $16.6  The facility is being built using district Fund Balance. If the bond is approved, bond funds will reimburse fund balance.   
Intermediate #11  $29.5 Provides enrollment relief to Thompson, Bondy and Beverly Hills based on projected numbers.  850
Mae Smythe Replacement  $19.5  The campus has significant structural issues bringing it to the forefront of our facility needs for our elementary schools.   750 
L. F. Smith Replacement  $19.50  The age and construction of the facility put it next in line for replacement. It has roofing needs and infrastructure limitations that make it less than ideal for learning. The primary parcel of land needed has been purchased. Some additional acreage will be needed.  750 
Pomeroy Replacement  $21.50  The age and construction of the facility put it next in line for replacement. It has roofing needs and infrastructure limitations that make it less than ideal for learning. Additional acreage will be needed contiguous to its current site.  850 
Technology  $12     
Facility Management  $2.5     
Total Cost  $175.55 Million