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Professional Development

Professional Development


At Pasadena ISD, we are dedicated to promoting continuous growth and excellence among our staff through comprehensive professional development programs. Our initiatives are driven by a commitment to retaining highly qualified educators and cultivating our leadership pipeline through robust support and educational opportunities.


By offering a diverse range of professional development options, we ensure that every staff member has the opportunity to grow, innovate, and excel in their professional practice. Pasadena ISD is proud to offer comprehensive in-house professional development totaling in over 60,000 hours annually.

About Us

Retaining Instructors through Support and Education is exactly the mission of the RISE team. RISE is Pasadena ISD's inclusive instructional support and mentoring program with the goal to retain highly qualified educators. The team, which derived from PISD's own alternative certification program, focuses on instructional achievement for all PISD educators so they can:

  • Feel more confident in the classroom, knowing the supports PISD offers.
  • Grow as educational leaders throughout their career.
  • Grow our students to achieve their maximum potential and become proud PISD graduates and representatives.

We can be found serving various roles and duties throughout PISD, such as delivering New Teacher Orientation onboarding trainings, in classrooms offering one-on-one coaching and support, leading district professional development, growing our PISD leadership pipeline, etc.


RISE Mentoring

The goal of our mentoring program is to provide constant, consistent, quality support to new teachers. Through RISE Mentoring, new teachers are paired with veteran teachers to form year-long partnership focused on professional growth and reflection.  By providing quality support, we also help HR with the recruitment and retention of the best new teachers!


Our Approach

Job-Embedded Professional Development

We integrate professional learning into staff member’s daily work, ensuring that development is relevant, practical, and immediately applicable. This includes coaching, mentoring, collaborative planning, and in-class support.


We recognize that each staff member has unique needs and strengths, so we offer differentiated professional development. This allows staff to engage in learning tailored to their specific areas of interest and growth, ensuring that all professionals can benefit from personalized support.

Variety of Formats and Schedules

  • Before and After School: Short, focused sessions that fit into the busy schedules of our educators.
  • During the School Day: Release time for teachers to participate in workshops, peer observations, and collaborative planning without sacrificing instructional time. This could include lunch and learns, conference period training, and/or full-day training.
  • Summer Programs: Intensive workshops and conferences that provide in-depth learning opportunities during the summer break.
  • Saturdays: Full-day or partial-day sessions that allow for a learning experience without the distractions of the regular school week.