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Richey Elementary’s New Wellness Track

Posted Date: 7/01/24 (1:29 PM)

For more than 50 years, Pasadena Independent School District’s Richey Elementary has pushed to excel in all forms of curriculum, inclusion, and innovation. In the attempt to expand their campus opportunities, the motivation to have a new track to complement their playground was their next goal.

With this, "It started as a simple conversation that turned into a discussion about creating more health and wellness for student activities and parents to stay active in the Northside of Pasadena," said Noel Becerra, Counselor at Richey Elementary School. With the idea of implementing a track on Richey's campus, the need for funding became apparent. 

Richey community partner liaisons Ricky and Christine Torres listened and helped get the project off the ground. "For us, we saw the possibilities in Richey and knew if we connected them to the right source, funding could be provided," said Mr. Torres.

Right after the discussion was brought up, The Torres' attended a meeting with Bay Area Council on Drugs & Alcohol’s Pasadena Community Coalition, and boom, this led to the project trajectory changing the Eagle Nation for the better. 

With a common goal to promote more community physical health, safe spaces, and exciting opportunities, the process of establishing approval and construction began.

On July 27, 2023, the Pasadena Independent School District Board of Trustees approved the construction of a concrete track at Richey Elementary, funded by a large amount in grant money from (BACODA). Additionally, a retention drain was also installed so that no flooding could occur. 

Richey Principal Andrea Zapata mentioned, "We're getting better news every day, and seeing the progress and the excitement has been indescribable." New ideas and goals have just begun for Zapata and her staff. They plan to utilize the space for color runs, P.E. track sessions, community events, and even tasty snow cone days. 

According to Zapata, "What was once an "open space, will soon be a space full of opportunities for all Eagles and community members to enjoy and stay fit." 

More information on park times and the official grand opening will be announced soon in the upcoming months.